Find TNC information

Here are some resources that may be helpful for finding information on Terminal Node Controllers (TNCs) that use AX.25 protocol:

  1. The AX.25 project page on SourceForge: This page contains information on the AX.25 protocol and a list of software tools and resources for implementing TNCs that use this protocol.
  2. The TAPR (Tucson Amateur Packet Radio) website: TAPR is an organization that promotes the development and use of AX.25 protocol and other packet radio technologies. Their website has a wealth of information on TNCs and other packet radio hardware and software.
  3. The AMPRNet (Amateur Multicast Protocol Router Network) website: AMPRNet is a global network of amateur radio gateways that use the AX.25 protocol to connect to the Internet. The AMPRNet website has information on the network, including a list of active gateways and information on how to connect to the network.
  4. The Linux AX.25 page: This page has information on using the AX.25 protocol with the Linux operating system, including a list of tools and resources for implementing TNCs on Linux.
  5. The ARRL (American Radio Relay League) website: The ARRL is the national association for amateur radio in the United States, and their website has a wealth of information on TNCs and other amateur radio technologies, including articles, technical documents, and information on upcoming events.






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