Changing Existing WordPress Blogs Into Silo Structures

The advantage of a blog is surely that it is easy to add content.

You can optimise the blog a bit, using categories and titles in the url, but the linking inside a standard wordpress blog is, to say the least, a bit chaotic.

The best way would be is postings were linked together on the categories (topics) rather than on the date of publication.

To achieve this I wrote a wordpress silo plugin that will reorganise the linking between the posts dynamically. This means when I add a new post like the present it will automatically be inserted in the row of links for the categories.

silo structure of blog

So now it is only to see how the search engines will react to this.






One response to “Changing Existing WordPress Blogs Into Silo Structures”

  1. […] typical silo structure is like the one in Asbjorn Riedel’s blog [the plug-in’s […]

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